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Please be advised: the food pantry will be closed Saturday August 31st for Labor Day AND Saturday, September 7th for the Fall Festival. 

Our Mission is to serve the East Haven community and improve the livelihood of residents by providing supplemental food and holiday baskets in a caring and dignified manner.

About the Pantry

- Established by a small group of volunteers at the Old Stone Church in 1985.

- Serves 340 families or over 1,000 individuals who receive 8,500 food items per month.

- Provides a three-day emergency food supply to East Haven residents in need.

- The majority of our food resources come from donations by residents of East Haven.

- Currently run by 40 dedicated volunteers who shop, stock shelves and distribute food.

Volunteers Packing Food

Hours of Operation

Tuesday: 9-11am

Saturday: 9-11am

Please be in line before 11am to receive assistance.

Severe weather closing will be announced on News Channel 8. 

Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Donations

Drop-off times for monetary and food donations: Mondays and Fridays: 8am-10am


We are always in need of pasta, sauce, cereal, hot cereal, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, canned tuna, canned soup, rice sides, pancake mix, mashed potato mix, and stuffing mix!

Kindness for Kids: our newest program for our school-aged kids:

Many of our students in town suffer from food instability.

You can help by donating specific child-friendly items to the pantry like:


Canned soup, prepared canned pasta, individual bags of: chips, crackers, and cookies, fruit/applesauce cups, pudding, granola bars, juice boxes, macaroni and cheese, shelf stable milk, and individual cereal containers.


Please reach out with any questions to Annarose at (203)468-6611.

Thank you for joining the Pantry's efforts during
this challenging economic time — it's supporters
like you that help us improve the lives of our residents. 

Please click here to make a difference in just minutes. 

(Additionally, donations can be made payable to the East Haven Food Pantry, and mailed to: 39 Park Place, East Haven.)

Food Donation
Citrus Fruits
Food Delivery

Not at East Haven resident but need food? You can still stop by the pantry! CT Residents are eligible to receive food items provided by the federal government.


Please bring proof of residence (Photo ID - including full name and current East Haven address) for the town of East Haven OR one of the following:

  • Current Utility Bill with current East Haven address,

  • Piece of mail with current East Haven address, or

  • Tenant Agreement with current East Haven address

Please be advised - Residents can come
twice in a calendar month to pick up food.



Por favor traiga prueba de residencia (Identificación fotográfica incluyendo nombre completo y dirección actual en East Haven) para la ciudad de East Haven o uno del siguiente:

  • Una factura de servicios públicos actual (como la electricidad, teléfono, agua, etc.) con la dirección
    actual en East Haven

  • Un pedazo de correo con la dirección actual
    en East Haven, o

  • Un acuerdo de inquilino con la dirección
    actual en East Haven


Por favor tenga en cuenta: Residentes pueden
venir solamente dos veces cadames para recoger comida. 

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You may be eligible for delivery from the Food Pantry. Please give us a call to see if you qualify!

(203) 467-4668

Stay Updated with Foodshare:

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Delivering Groceries

Thank you so much to the American Eagle Financial Credit Union! Our organization was one of the recipients to their Community Cash Back Program! The funds will directly benefit The East Haven Food Pantry's Mission to battle food insecurity!

The East Haven Food Pantry is happy to announce we received $1,750 in funding from the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal through its Vicariate Outreach Program! 

How to Help
Back of a group of volunteers

How To Help



39 Park Place

East Haven, CT 06512


Thanks for submitting!

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